domingo, 29 de junho de 2014

4º WORKSHOP RASCUNHO - ''Aprendendo com os Mestres''

4º WORKSHOP RASCUNHO - ''Aprendendo com os Mestres''


 Dia 9 de Agosto na cidade de João Pessoa-PB.
Inscrições abertas! Vagas limitadas!
Eddy Barrows - SuperMan - Action Comics e Nightwing.
Daniel HDR - Legião dos Super-Heróis e Mulher Maravilha.
Bate Papo:
Mike Deodato - Wolverine e Dark Avengers.
Local da Palestra:
Auditório da Faculdade Maurício de Nassau - Endereço: Av Epitácio Pessoa, 1201 - Bairro dos Estados.
Além dos palestrantes, vamos contar com a participação de vários outros profissionais que estarão vendendo, seus artbooks, quadrinhos, prints e artes originais autografadas.
Local da inscrições:
Rascunho Studio
Av. Flávio Ribeiro Coutinho, 213 - Sala 201 - Empresarial Via Mar
Manaíra - João Pessoa/PB
Contato: 83 3021-2198 ou 83 8833-3791.
Inteira R$ 60,00
Meia: R$ 30,00
Se você reside em outra cidade, poderá pagar sua inscrição por DEPÓSITO BANCÁRIO. Seguem os dados da conta para depósito:
Banco do Brasil
Agencia: 3501-7
Conta Corrente: 41211-2
Os inscritos que realizaram o pagamento via depósito bancário, devem enviar o respectivo comprovante, escaneado, por e-mail, com seu nome completo e o RG.
Se você for estudante, escanear também a sua carteira de estudante, para ter direito a meia entrada no evento.

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Interior Art Reveal: God Is Dead

Interior Art Reveal: God Is Dead With Mike Costa, Alan Moore, Simon Spurrier, Kieron Gillen, Justin Jordan and Gabriel Andrade.

The second arc of God is Dead, entitled Book of Acts, takes the form of a 2 part all-star team up under the guidance of series writer Mike Costa. In “Alpha”, he’s joined by Rafael Ortiz on the artwork for his own story, but also by Alan Moore with Facundo Percio and Simon Spurrier with Gabriel Andrade, each telling stories of returned gods behaving far differently than you might expect and showing the ways in which we create and empower the myths which drive us. Moore casts himself as a character in the plot when his ‘snake puppet’ god Glycon is demanded to manifest himself on earth while Spurrier takes a long walk down the road of media celebrity’s darker aspects when one of the Cherubim tries to reinstate his Biblical terror on earth.

Here’s some of our preview artwork for “Alpha”:

Two Pages made by myself here:
In the following God is Dead issue, “Omega”, Costa and Ortiz once again helm the main storyline, which continues to investigate exactly “who killed God” and what the implications of that might be for the future. They are joined by Kieron Gillen with German Nobile and Justin Jordan with German Erramouspe. Gillen creates a story that’s demonstrably dark and twisted, exploring the life and times of an arch demon in Hell coping with the death of God, whereas Justin Jordan weaves a tale of loss and isolation when the influence of the gods on earth is too great and inexplicable, reminding that awe is sometimes the only reasonable reaction to them.
And here’s our artwork for “Omega”:

God is Dead: Book of Acts ‘Alpha’ appears in shops from Avatar Press on August 13th with the item code JUN140844 and God is Dead: Book of Acts ‘Omega’ arrives on August 27th with the item code JUN140851. The first trade collection of God is Dead is also currently available.

domingo, 15 de junho de 2014



The greatest assembled team of writers unleash all-new tales of Gods and men in the biggest event of the summer!  Two giant-size issues could only be kicked off with the biggest writer in all of comics, ALAN MOORE, as he brings a tale only he could tell - when his personal God Glycon comes to Earth!  Reunited with Facundo (Fashion Beast) Percio, Alan himself stars in a story about where Gods really get their power.  Then SIMON SPURRIER redefines a lowly cherub into maybe the most destructive of all the Gods, one who knows how to use modern human weaknesses!  And ongoing series scribe MIKE COSTA finally reveals the greatest mystery of the series - who actually killed God?   The Alpha and the Omega, two epic tomes that you don't want to miss!  Available with lovely Regular, Iconic, and End of Days covers by series cover artist Jacen Burrows.  Also a Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile and Divine and Pure Art Retailer Incentives by Burrows.  You also don't want to miss the Glycon Leather cover by Burrows or get everything at once with the Deluxe Collector Set! The greatest assembled team of writers unleash all-new tales of Gods and men in the biggest event of the summer!  Two giant-size issues could only be kicked off with the biggest writer in all of comics, ALAN MOORE, as he brings a tale only he could tell - when his personal God Glycon comes to Earth!  Reunited with Facundo (Fashion Beast) Percio, Alan himself stars in a story about where Gods really get their power.  Then SIMON SPURRIER redefines a lowly cherub into maybe the most destructive of all the Gods, one who knows how to use modern human weaknesses!  And ongoing series scribe MIKE COSTA finally reveals the greatest mystery of the series - who actually killed God?   The Alpha and the Omega, two epic tomes that you don't want to miss!  Available with lovely Regular, Iconic, and End of Days covers by series cover artist Jacen Burrows.  Also a Carnage Wraparound by German Nobile and Divine and Pure Art Retailer Incentives by Burrows.  You also don't want to miss the Glycon Leather cover by Burrows or get everything at once with the Deluxe Collector Set!